- Project Manager - THS Armada, 2024
THS Armada is Scandinavia's largest career fair. Arranged yearly by 200+ student volunteers, visited by 14,000+ students and 140+ companies across two days.
By working with the Project Group of 22 people, the team works for one year to be an essential part of the Student Union's economy by bringing in a revenue of 8 000 000+ SEK
- Head of Logistics and Fair, Head of Career Fair - THS Armada, 2022, 2023
Led and managed 150+ volunteers, planned, organised and coordinated with the project group to create the fair
- THS Union Board, THS Nomination Committee - Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, 2022, 2023
Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår is the student union of KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Being a member of the THS Union Board entailed strategic organisational and operational work, being the official employer of 20+ full-time workers at the union and being responsible for elections and political views of the union.
- Project Manager - Technical Preparatory Year's Reception, 2022
Led and coordinated one of the first receptions for 800+ incoming students together with two other Project Managers
- Project Team - Financial Manager, Marketing Manager, Spring 2023, Fall 2023
Responsibility and management over the budget and marketing for the largest reception at KTH, welcoming 2000+ new international students and coordinating 200+ volunteers
- International Baccalaureate, IEGS, 2018-2020
- BSc in Information and Communication Technology, KTH, 2020-2023
- MScEng in Industrial Management and Engineering, KTH, 2024-2026
- Civ.ing. Informationsteknik, KTH, 2020-2026
- Hard Skills: Java, C, C#, React, Javascript, Web development, Git, HTML, Elixir, Ubuntu, VSCode, VirtualBox
- Soft Skills: Project Management, Leadership, Communication, Conflict resolution, Problem-solving, Teamwork
- ID1019, ID1020, ID1021, ID1206: Programming I, Programming II, Algorithms and Data Structures, Operating Systems
- IV1303, II1305, IC1007, IK1203: Modern Software Development, Project in ICT, Human-Computer Interaction, Networks and Communication
- DH2642, DM2350, DM2601: Dynamic Web and Interaction Programming, Human Perception for Information Technology, Media Technology and Interaction Design
- ME2016, ME2163, ME1003: Project Management: Leadership and Control, Leading People and Organisations in Different Contexts, Industrial Management
- SF1624, SF1625, SF1686, SF1610, DD1351: Algebra & Geometry, One Variable Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Discreet Mathematics, Logic for Computer Scientists
- Game development using Unity3D enginge, Blender and Git
- Website and frontend development
- Dynamic Website Development with React
- Snake game on PIC32
See Projects